Tourism Consulting

Content Creation

I need to make a new material for my destination, for my tourism business… what should it say? How should it be structured? What format should it have? What content should I prioritize to be attractive to my potential client? Do I have the right images? How do I collect the information?.

Answering all these questions that arise when thinking about new material or new content, whether at a public level for a destination or at a private level, is not always obvious. In many cases, creating a new material means having to rethink and restructure a product to improve its competitiveness in the market.

In this sense, we can help you in:

Creation of promotional material

Creation of marketing support material

Sales manuals, documentation for operators or agencies, etc.

In both cases, the main services to carry them out will be:

Structuring the content

Information search

Contact the companies (if necessary) to collect all the data.

Design and layout

through partner advertising agencies