
Below you will find some of the projects we have worked on (or are still working on) in the last three years:

  1. Technical sustainability secretary of the Costa Brava Girona Tourism Board.
  2. Sustainable marketing plan for the Val d’Aran, within the Destination Sustainability Plan.
  3. Marketing plan of the Tourism Board of the Provincial Council of Lleida (Now Lleida).
  4. Drafting of the projects to present to the Tourism Sustainability Plans in Berguedà Destinations and support in those of La Adrada, Gozón and Aller.
  5. Technical secretary of the tourism brand Paisatges Barcelona, ​​Provincial Council of Barcelona.
  6. Projects of product creation, creation of the story, positioning and commercialization of the destination by the chambers of commerce of La Guajira, Córdoba, Barranquilla and Valle del Cauca in Colombia.
  7. Organization of the Cadí Moixeró Natural Park Knowledge Course.
  8. Market study for the Earth Products Network, Provincial Council of Barcelona.
  9. Coordination, training, studies, focus groups and creation of materials for several international cooperation projects with European funding: TOURBAN, ReStartMED, MEDUSA, Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and Catalan Tourism Agency.
  10. Redefinition of the Tourism for Everyone program (accessible tourism), Catalan Tourism Agency.

Some of our clients: